Clean water is a good thing

Now that the rains are coming to South Sudan, a resource of clean water is important.  If there isn't a clean water source available within a reasonable distance, people will get their water from wherever they find it, not withstanding the condition of it.

I wouldn't want to wash my clothes or my dishes in this water -- would you?  I wouldn't want to cook with it and I certainly wouldn't want to drink it -- however that is what this woman will do with this jug of water and the other container that she filled for one of her children to carry home.

Clean water is a precious resource; it is one of the major concerns in Africa.   People come down with cholora and other diseases, many of which can be deadly because of the lack of clean water to drink.

Stay tuned -- We are back in Rumbek and in the next few days we will put up a report on the Leither village well project!