Exploring the South and West - Part 4

Homeward Bound

God’s abundant blessings flowed upon us during our trip South and West.  We saw varied communities and people. We were blessed with good weather and knew of the Lord’s protection every step of the way (through every mile and over every bump!).  We traveled down questionable roads passing through by God’s grace. 

A smile goes a long way, and we were welcomed everywhere we stopped and were received with gracious hospitality. 

The road was busy as we returned to Rumbek.  These two enterprising young men are selling an unknown substance (unknown to us anyway). We thought it might be honey, but on further inspection we decided that it wasn’t edible and it was oily, so it may have been used oil for the car.  You never can tell what will sell in South Sudan – we don’t throw anything out!  Well, maybe used car oil!

These folks are hauling firewood and other things they need.  Rural life is difficult. It takes a strong body and sheer grit to accomplish all that must be done.  It is always nice when someone wants to stop and take your picture – we left them laughing as we showed them the images… these digital cameras are really something – very entertaining!

Arriving safe and sound, but very tired… it is good to be home… and this place really does feel like home.  Thank you Lord for the abundant blessings you bestow on us daily.  We praise your holy name.

Thank God today for all He has given you.  Count your many blessings – it helps keep life in perspective.