Communicating the Gospel across South Sudan

We were privileged to attend a TWR (TransWorld Radio) workshop in Juba recently.  Knowing the cost of flights from Rumbek to Juba, we opted to drive; even though we knew it would be a rough trip – as it turned out, it was much harder than we imagined. 

The main route to Juba has been impassible for a week or so.  The all season road  washed away with a portion of it under water.    Another route has temporarily emerged as the major transit route to Juba from Rumbek – where there’s a will, there’s a way! It was a rough, but doable, trip in March with the Fusion team.

We hadn’t a clue what this alternate road would bring so we decided to leave after church on Sunday; we wanted to be there in plenty of time for the meeting.  
Rain began to fall and darkness was approaching as we entered the small trading center of Mvolo.  (You might remember the name from previous posts, the area where the bridge was out earlier in the year)

The plan was to sleep at the NPA compound where we stayed on a previous trip.   No rooms were available however, so we slept in the car in the safety of their compound. Leaving before dawn the next morning, we knew that we had a long day ahead of us. 

We made it, albeit a couple of hours late for the beginning of the meeting. Traveling from Rumbek to Juba took 7 hours in March; now it takes 12 ½ hours. 

 It was worth it however!  
Meeting for three and a half days with likeminded Christians, mostly South Sudanese, who have a heart for sharing the gospel story and discipling believers across South Sudan and beyond was very uplifting.  

Apart from the good information obtained from the meeting, we enjoyed spending time in fellowship; networking with other Great Commission Christian groups – hearing stories of the work to the glory of God and discussing the great task before us as we listed the tremendous needs in South Sudan.

Thursday afternoon closed our time together and as everyone left for their home areas, Jerry and I hit the market. We would leave at 5 a.m. the next morning, attempting to return in one day. But first we would get some items which have been missing from our diet. Bananas, potatoes, onions and avocados were on our list. We also found some tomatoes and a cucumber – these will make a pretty nice salad! 

Back in March we hadn’t seen all of the furniture and carpentry; as South Sudan progresses and Juba grows, it seems more is available and life may become a bit more comfortable.

The roads were drier as we returned, unfortunately just as rough; but we made it in 12 ½ hours again, so we were pleased – tired and a bit stiff, but happy to be back in Rumbek.

We thank God for those who attended the workshop. 

Pray that this initiative would grow and out of this small beginning programs would be developed which would bring people to Christ and help them grow in their knowledge of God and their love for Him.

Pray that the lines of communication would remain open and strong between these Christian organizations; that our only purpose would be to see the people of South Sudan know and love Christ for the glory of God.