Let us love one another!

The church, as a community of believers, has several mandates given in God’s word.
The example found in Matthew 25:31-46 is one of caring for those who cannot care for themselves.  Verse 35 says, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”  The question was given, Lord, when did we do these things?  The answer is found in verse 40, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”

 What a glorious picture of how things should work; however, often times ‘the world’ gets in the way.  I don’t have time… I don’t have the skill… I don’t know anyone to help (yeah, right!)… I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH MYSELF – HOW CAN I GIVE ANY AWAY!

Here is the little church we attend in Kenya. There are two services, one in English and one in Swahili.  Some of those who come to the English service stay for the Swahili service. Many are seeking to improve their English language skill as an added benefit. We are the only mzungu (foreigners) who currently attend; although missionaries have flowed in and out of the church throughout the years.

Our little church is made up of school teachers, security guards, students, house maids, unemployed… there is no one in attendance that does not live a hand to mouth existence; yet, these folks take the Matthew 25 mandate seriously.  After much prayer, we have a “mission” to a local orphanage scheduled for Feb 17.

You see, this is the key to experiencing joy and peace of circumstance; look beyond yourself. These folks live below the poverty line. But don’t tell them that – they are thankful for God’s hand of blessing in their lives and they want to share with others.

These missions are not at our instigation, nor do we fund them. We participate as equal members of the body of Christ.

Here, the body is discussing the upcoming visit, organizing the details, and giving toward the need.   The collection will be used to buy what we can, food, clothes and maybe a toy or two to give the children.  Mostly, we give our time.  We know that God will provide and bless; we have seen it in previous “missions”. We go intending to be a blessing, but we come away with so much more!

“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.”  1 John 4:7a.

As you remember Mwimuto Baptist Church pray that God would plant His word deep in our hearts.
Pray that we would gather strength both spiritually and physically as we serve Him.
Pray that we would continually recognize God grace in our lives and live with thankful hearts.