
If you had to stand in a queue (line) for six hours at the minimum to vote – Would you?

A picture of the queue on the front page of the Nation newspaper.
 Kenyans waiting to vote in Kenya's Presidential election

The minimum wait time to vote in the presidential elections in Kenya was six hours – in some areas people stood in the queue for eight to ten hours.  The polls were to close at 5 p.m.; however in an effort to be fair and peaceful the polls stayed open until the last voter, who was in the queue at 5:00 p.m., voted – it was 11:15 p.m. when the last polling station closed.  In a world where voter turnout is low when it rains or is too cold --- Kenyans stand out -- determined to exercise their opportunity to elect their government leaders.

God has been at work in the hearts of Kenyans.  A heavy emphasis was placed on a peaceful election and for the most part, we have experienced just that.  The results are trickling in – emphasis is also on transparency and the security of the ballots; which will help to promote peace as the results are announced.  Because many polling stations are located in remote areas, this process is painfully slow – all eyes are on the television and all ears on the radio.

This is just a short update – things are peaceful thus far.  God is working His will and His way – We glorify Him as He works in the hearts of Kenyans.
Thank you for praying.
Please continue to  pray that peace will reign as the final tally is announced.