Paradise Lost

Party! Party! Party!
Sometimes you just have to party!
Every month or so our language school does something together – remember when we went to “Wal-Mart”?  Well this time we went to Paradise Lost.

Our national brothers and sisters had never been there before, Jerry and I had never been there before, in truth only one couple in our group had ever been there before and it was their idea for the language school to take a field trip to that place.

We had such a good time.
There was a cave … not a very deep one, but it was a cave and we all enjoyed exploring it.

Hiking was enjoyed, the area was large and quiet even though it was very near the Nairobi city limits.

There was a small lake with boating -- that was fun.

Of course we had a barbeque  or Nyama Choma  (nyah-mah Cho-mah) which was really fabulous.  

Oh yes -- there was a grand waterfall -- can you see Jerry standing behind the falls?

A good time was had by one and all.

You may be wondering why we do these field trips.  Well, there are several good reasons for it – they build camaraderie, they contribute to a family feeling, and they bring us all in closer fellowship as well as contributing occasionally to our depth of language learning --  AND they are FUN!

Sometimes we can get caught up in so much "doing", that we forget to enjoy this journey of faith that God has set before us.  God has put us here and given us life, as well as all things with which to enjoy this life; let’s enjoy the journey!

Thank you for praying with us as we continue to learn Swahili.  In a few weeks we will take a month away from school to go out and really try to use those things we have learned, then our plan is to return to learn more.  Our desire to tell people about Jesus is great -- in order to do this well, we need to communicate well.