Nairobi Aftermath - Wow what a week

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You.  Trust the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal." Isaiah 26:3-4

Perhaps we all need to hear this word today.

The Westgate terror saga has turned from crisis to criticism -- isn't that always the case -- why didn't they do this -- why didn't they do that?  There's also a push for tighter security -- as if man can control the inclinations of evil.

While the world of men try to figure out how to squelch evil, the people of God know what to do -- PRAY!

The picture at the left was witnessed during a "meet me at the pole" gathering at a local christian school in the midst of Kenya's mourning days. (note the flags at half-mast) This is where power against evil is found -- through prayer.

The IMB family held hostage at the mall talked about the calm they felt during the siege -- the opportunities they had to be that calming influence to help those around them.  They didn't have great insight as to what to do while they were held hostage, but they knew the One who had them in the palm of His hand.

Even this week as the U.S. government shuts down Psalm 34 comes to mind.
"I sought the LORD, and He answered me;
He delivered me from all my fears...
He saved him out of all his troubles...
He delivers them...
Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies. Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it."

Continue to pray for those who lost family and friends and those who were injured during the attack.

Pray that God would continue to confront people with their need for a Savior.

Pray that He would then provide a good and faithful witness to help them find the true peace-giver.