
Reaching the Mening – what’s it gonna take?

"For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."   2 Corinthians 4: 5-6

It will not be easy, this task of taking the Light of God to the Mening people. The area is remote – you turn off the beaten path, then keep going!  But God has commissioned His people to “go into all the world.”

Number 7 --  Our home for the next three days

We are staying three nights in Karenga, Northeast Uganda at Number 7 -- the name of the establishment – not sure if there is a Number 1 – 6 anywhere.

Jerry and I have this room for the three nights -- yes, that is indeed a twin-sized bed, but it's okay -- being married only 31 years we are still young and in love!

Here is the ablution area for our group. There is no piped or running water, but two teenage boys fill this container with water every evening for all of us to use.

Behold -- a potty chair for those of us
with troublesome knees!
Laundry -- life in the African
bush can be a dirty dilemma!

Uncomplaining about the inconvenient living conditions – even laughing about some of the situations in which we find ourselves, the volunteers are great.

Reviewing the day each evening promotes cohesiveness.

Evening debrief gives each one an opportunity to share feelings about the experiences of the day, voice arising concerns, and ask questions to learn more about opening doors into better understanding of the Mening culture and belief system.

But this here --- this is what it is all about --- the opportunity to minister in the name of Christ!

Pray for U.S. churches and local African believers to catch a vision to reach the Mening people.

Pray for believers willing to live out of their comfort area and in rough conditions to bring light and life to Mening villages.

Seed sowers are needed to live among the Mening.