A celebration of God's goodness -- a Sema leather story

Years ago, a young family, successfully involved in the business world, was led by God to bring their business knowledge and strategy to the mission field.  Unsure of how God would use them, they were obedient.

 It wasn't until today, many years later, the culmination of years of prayer and hard work have brought folks to the point of celebration and the beginnings of a small business venture confidently placed into national hands.

(An ongoing challenge on the third world mission field is the ability for a pastor to care for his family financially and pastor a church.  Most churches are small with the congregation not able to support their own families financially.  The concept of bi-vocational/tentmaker is one way to help in this area.)

As the missionary family prayed and researched different business avenues, God provided an answer for this particular business endeavor – leather goods.  With many Kenyan tribes being herdsmen, the raw materials would be available. A reliable source was found, craftsmen with ability in leather design were sourced to train leather craft apprentices, possible sales outlets were discovered, and the business plan was in place.

Now for the men who would be involved.  Talent in leatherwork was not a requirement.  The requirement was a heart for God.

Sema Leatherworks began in 2009.

The road has been rough; folks have come and gone within the project.  Yet still, people are learning a skill and are being blessed; but more importantly, many are hearing the Word of the Lord and God is being glorified through this business venture.

The model includes training in church planting, personal evangelism, storying, and discipleship along with leather-craft.  The leather workshop is open four days a week; the remaining three days these pastors go out leading Bible studies and storying groups, doing one to one evangelism, and preaching the Gospel.

Today is not the end of Sema Leatherworks, it is only the beginning…  One of the men involved in Sema from the beginning is in the process of buying the equipment and with the help of two other Sema colleagues, will continue running Sema leatherworks using the same business model. Additionally, four men who trained and worked at Sema have branched out starting their own businesses through the encouragement of Sema leatherworks.

Click here to read some fascinating stories about Sema Leatherworks.

God has certainly brought these faithful men through adversity to stand on the firm foundation of faith in Him.

Pray for the ongoing impact of the Gospel through the faithful witness of these men.

Pray for God to be glorified, keeping the hearts of these men faithful and true to Himself.

As people witness God's hand on these faithful businessmen, pray for doors to open for additional opportunities of sharing the Gospel of Christ in the community.