
"But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession and through us always spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.” 
2 Corinthians 2:14-15

God is good.  While disappointed to see the trip to the southwestern side of Tanzania cancelled, we are being afforded many opportunities, traveling down the eastern side of Tanzania, to gather information pertaining to the engagement and lostness of many people groups in both eastern and western Tanzania. An informational trip will still need to be made west, but God is placing people in our path who know things we need to know.

As you look at this picture, you will laugh if you remember all the travel difficulties we faced during the rains in South Sudan.

We make it through this area without incident; however,   some men are pushing a bus out and it looks as if the trucks have been here for a few days waiting for the mud to dry a bit.  We are praying that it continues to dry up,  until we make our return trip through here next week.

In Tanzania, we have not been farther south than Dar. It does appear that the southern areas are more depressed economically than the areas we have visited in the north; of course the country as a whole is more depressed than Kenya.

You probably won’t think so as you see this picture taken from our room at Kilwa (KEEL-wah), our stop for the first night.

As Kilwa is on a small peninsula jutting into the Indian Ocean, much of the lodging is on the beach.

Here is our room with a view for the night.

Even with this wonderful view, the area is largely economically depressed with little tourist activity.

There are a couple of churches in Kilwa – an Evangelical Assemblies of God and a Catholic church. There are several mosques as well.  The people living in the area are largely Islamic.

During our overnight in Dar, God put us in contact with someone who knew a Christian in Kilwa.

Over breakfast, we talk with him about the spread of the Gospel, getting his ideas of what that would look like for the Kilwa area.

God continues to lead us and put people of information in our path along the way.

Pray for this one and the spreading of the gospel in Kilwa and among the Muslim population.

Pray for the four of us as we continue our journey.  We thank God for His placement of key individuals before us with information about people and villages.  Pray that we would be open to His voice and direction as well as discerning of the people He moves into our path.