
"And God said, 'Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.' And it was so.  The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yeilding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good."                 Genesis 1:11-12

Coconuts are a big business in parts of Tanzania.

Coconut palm trees abound throughout our area of research, during this adventure. Some areas have more than others and in one area disease has infected them, which  really affects the people economically   --  Coconut palms are so useful  -- and not just for the coconut!  

The large fronds (green leaves) are used as roofing material; canoes, poles and rafters are made from the trunk and the large ribs of the fronds which attach to the tree can be used for arrows, spears or torches.

The fibrous part of the coconut husk is used to weave mats, make brushes, and even the fiber material that holds the dirt in a hanging planter.

Jerry looks dwarfed standing in front of this massive pile of coconuts in N’gapa village.

Amazing isn’t it.

This area is very coconut rich.

How do I know which coconut trees are mine?  That is a question we had.  Well the answer is very simple, I put my name on my trees.

Notches are cut into the trunk enabling easy access to the fruit – if you aren't afraid of heights!

“The truck comes to pick up the nazi (coconuts) once every two weeks.”  explained a man from the area.

We were fortunate in that we just happened upon one of the trucks loading the coconuts headed for Dar es Salaam.

Pray that as coconut tree owners harvest their coconuts, they would understand that God, the Creator of heaven and earth is the One who gives life to the tree; He gives the sun and rain -- it is He who is the Provider, it is He upon whom they must depend.

Pray that as believers come to share God's message of salvation this understanding of provision will be a bridge to understanding and accepting Christ as God's provision for their salvation.