The Rungwa people

Today we are making our way north from Sumbawanga to visit the Rungwa people.

While the Rungwa are on our unengaged people group list, we have heard there may be some engagement by a Great Commission Christian group, so we need to check it out.

Transforming from tropical and beach-like at the shores of Lake Tanganyika, to mountainous and high plateau, to plains and savanna grasslands in just a short distance from west to east, the terrain of the Rukwa region where the Rungwa people live is very diverse.

Since the road goes north and south, we only glimpse the mountains in the distance; nevertheless, these mountains are the culprits.

Our plan was to go west earlier this year, with a volunteer couple; however, with the rains, the water coming out of these mountains washed much of this road away.

Places such as this (pictured on the right) still remain, months after the rains have ended giving a glimpse of how unpassable the road must have been back in March.

The Rungwa live alongside the Fipa and Sukuma peoples.  There are even some Pimbwe people living here.  They are farmers with rice being a major crop.  Cultivating rice in the low marshes at the foot of the mountains, they utilize the water from a good rainy season.

The Rungwa are indeed being targeted by PEFA (Pentecostal Evangelical Fellowship of Africa).  They have a small compound in the heart of the Rungwa people.   This sign says, “PEFA mission church. We sell Bibles for a good price. (meaning cheaper) Everyone is welcome for worship at 8:00 a.m.”
(Some day we will have to explain the concept of telling time in Swahili for you)

While it is good to know that PEFA is here, we would like to talk to a few folks and find out the extent of the ministry.

Going on further down the road, we find a small group of men in a nearby village and get out to chat with them.

While friendly and very willing to pass the time of day with us, these men are not all attenders of the local church.  That is okay – seeds are being planted and God is faithful.

*Pray that God would burden hearts about the Rungwa people and their need for a true and faithful witness.

*Pray that God would empower Christians in the community to be bold and speak out about salvation through Christ.

*Ask God to bless His work among the Rungwa so that all will be witness to the awesome power of God.