Ripe for harvest

A whole course on witness training can be found in John chapter four.  It is the story of the woman at the well.  Jesus talks to her about her life and the life he can give her if she would only believe.  Subsequently she returns to her town and urges people to go out to see Jesus.  

Jesus, in verses 35-36 says to his disciples, “Do you not say, ‘there are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together.”

In other words, wake up! People are ready to believe – you just have to get out there and share with them.

This woman understood her responsibility to share her testimony with others immediately.  John 4:39 says, “Many Samaritans from that town believed in Him because of the woman’s testimony…”

On Friday, Alfred, one of the national missionary trainees, along with Jerry and two others went out to discover ways of reaching his community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

God is giving Alfred a vision for the slum areas of Nairobi right where he lives – just like the Samaritan woman.

As they walk down the dirt paths of the community, he asks Jerry how to begin. Jerry shares the concept of “a person of peace”.  Someone, whether a believer or not, with whom you feel the Holy Spirit’s nudge to begin a conversation; they are interested and want to know more.

As soon as Jerry finishes sharing these thoughts, Alfred turned right around and walks back to a group of men standing at the side of the road talking together.  Alfred had felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit as they passed, but did not know what to do about it.

Beginning a conversation that lasts quite a while and even moving to a small-enclosed area outside the man’s rooms, Alfred is able to share with this one about Jesus Christ.  He shares his testimony and the calling on his life to reach his community with the gospel story.  Seeds are planted – the sower is at work – the harvest will soon follow.

Pray for Alfred as he continues to work out God’s plan for his life.

God's plan for all of us is to share with others our testimony just as the woman at the well did in her community.  How that looks in each of our lives is the individual calling and gifting God puts within each of us.

Lift up your eyes and see that the harvest is ripe!