The house in Rumbek

The house has been vacant for some time.  It needs a lot of TLC (tender loving care). Unfortunately while the house was empty it was broken into twice. Not only is it really dirty, the windows in the main room never having had glass in them, allows dirt to blow straight in, but it also looks as though it has been trashed to some extent by the intruders. Jerry has things he has to do.  First priority is to find the generator, if there is one, so that we can notify the well/pump guy to come and replace the old burned out pump which will allow us, once again, to have water on the property. I looked for a broom to begin the arduous task of reclaiming the inside of the house, sweeping “Africa” back outside.
The dust was swirling around me, but headway was made, and by the time we left the house at 5:30 in the evening we were bone tired but happy with our progress.