Cattle are King

Imagine walking around with something this
big on YOUR head!
At least here among the Dinka people cattle are king. The other day one man said nonchalantly, "Oh yes there are many murders committed in this area per week. They are always related to cattle and wives -- and if it is wives it is because the wife was stolen and the family did not receive the proper amount of cattle for her." So cattle are king.  They name their children after the colors of them.  Yesterday, we heard about a squabble last week that ended in 34 people being killed over cattle rustling. It reminds me of the old west and the John Wayne shoot 'em up western movies on T.V.  I don't think I will ever look at those the same again now that I know it is a current life story in South Sudan.

  • Pray that these people will come to cherish a relationship with God in the same way that they now cherish their cattle.
  • Pray that God would speak to these men in dreams and visions as they are out in the lonely wilds with their cattle and they would desire to learn more of this God of creation.