Working together for the Kingdom

Recently, as we are detained here waiting for things to be settled with the land, we were able to visit the smaller nearby town of Akot.  It is really nothing much more than a collection of tukels (huts), but it has two important elements, a Christian training center and Mustard Seed hospital.  They also had a small airstrip -- which doubled as a road -- with three small, damaged and abandoned twin engine aircraft sitting desolately along side.
Sewing on treadle machines
When we visited the training center I was pleased to see a group of ladies there.  It seems there is one, Judy, who has come from Canada for three months to help these ladies learn to how to sew and to learn more about Jesus.  Judy had come the previous two years for six weeks each, this year she upped her time in South Sudan to three months.  The ladies are learning to sew school uniforms for the two small primary schools which are also run by a Christian organization.
Pray for these efforts in Akot.  Baptists built the training center and used it for many years; now these have come alongside to continue the work of spreading the Good News.  Working together for the Kingdom, that is what it is all about.