Mama Jerii -- the end of an era

Mama Jerii (jerr-EE) is the constant element at our church, Mwimuto (Mwee-moo-toe) Baptist. Today, we are having a “sending off” celebration for her as she moves to a small town in the Rift Valley called Mai-Mai Huu. (My – My – Hew)
 A widow, she was married to the pastor of our church, and has been part of the church for decades.

Six years ago, when our pastor, her husband, was brutally murdered as he walked home from visitation one evening; the church decided to allow her to continue living in the three small rooms behind the church which constitute the parsonage.  In retrospect, this was a God-directed decision.
Mama Jerii’s home, always open, as the wife of the pastor, now became the hub of many activities.

Whenever we pass by we find her home full of people of all ages.  Older women, like herself, but also young women, youth and children gather to visit, pray, sing and fellowship.  She is a second mother to many, not only in the church, but also in the community.  She will be missed greatly.

At the end of the book of Romans, God inspired Paul to write personal greetings and encouragement to folks. Paul did this in many of his letters to the various churches.
Verses 1 and 2 of chapter 16 is about Phoebe, but this could also be written about Mama Jerii as she makes her move to Mai Mai Huu.

“I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church in Cenchrea.  I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of the saints and to give her any help she may need from you, for she has been a great help to many people, including me.”    Romans 16:1-2

*Pray for Mama Jerii, this will be a big change for her.  Ask God to give her a ministry in her new location.

*As God transplants her, pray that the people in Mai-Mai Huu will receive her and help her as she has been a great help to so many people.