Pray for the Rangi people of Tanzania

“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth; It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it”.    Isaiah 55:10-11

Ninety percent Muslim,  Rangi history tells us that only the Rangi people living in the Haubi (Ha-oo-BE) valley chose not to convert to Islam, deciding instead to build a cathedral and become Catholic.  Today there are very few believers among the 350,000 Rangi people.   Traditional African beliefs are prominent within their practice of Islam and Catholicism with sacrifices, sorcery and witchcraft common activities.

In recent years, Wycliffe Bible translators recount the amazing story of Kijuu (KEE-Joo), a Rangi man helping translate the book of Mark into the Rangi language.

While attending his uncle’s funeral, he shared his translation work with his family and friends.  He had brought with him the only copy of three chapters in Mark translated in Rangi. Upon hearing about his work, everyone wanted to hear the translation of God’s word. As Kijuu read all three chapters the people were astonished, each insisting that they take the copy of God’s word to their village in order that others could hear it as well.  As this was the only copy, they all agreed that each person would take one page.  Now there are several Rangi villages that, for the first time, have a few Bible verses in their own language.

Pray for fervor, among the Rangi people, for God’s Word.

Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to fall upon Rangi hearts; that as they hear God’s Word in their own tongue they would see the attributes of God’s holiness, mercy and love cultivating a desire to know more about our great and glorious Father.

Pray for obedient hearts to bring God’s Word and understanding to the Rangi people of Tanzania