
We would like to introduce you to a new website which has just come online

This is the new website for the East Africa Engagement team.

TWENDE (Twhen-day) is an acronym meaning:


Twende is also a Swahili word meaning "let's go." This epitomizes our spirit of wanting to take the Gospel where it has never been. We hope that you are willing to partner with us to share the Good News in East Africa.

We invite you to visit the site.  Some of what you see you may recognize from our trips; but there are new things which we hope will peak your interest as well.

Three of us from the IMB currently comprise this engagement team.  Our prayer is that God will grow the team adding national and U.S. partnering churches to reach the unreached and unengaged people of East Africa.

Pray for open doors of research as we, together with partners, make research trips to discover unreached and unengaged peoples.

Pray for national and U.S. churches to have a vision for engaging unreached and unengaged peoples.

Ask God to keep everyone focused and committed to the task of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ to all peoples, for His honor and glory  -- That the earth may be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea!                                                                     Habakkuk 2:14